Tagged: Canada

Capital Gains Tax

Is an RRSP loan a wise move?

Borrowing to invest in an RRSP is great for someone who has trouble saving money and it offers a form of a forced saving program, because it will encourage to use the tax refund to pay of the debt and continue

Aging Well

Can You Avoid Aging?

Walk into any department store and you’ll find hundreds of beauty products lining the shelves. Each one of those products has something else, something unique to offer. Most promise to hide the signs of...

Tips for Reducing Estate Taxes in Canada

Tips for Reducing Estate Taxes in Canada

Even though Canada doesn’t have any “death taxes,” estate taxes on your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), can be significant. Having a plan can keep those taxes at...

Filing income taxes

Filing your Canadian Taxes

Your filing income taxes deadline is April 30th, and that means that it is once again time for Canadians to start collecting tax and earnings forms and figuring out their income taxes. For many...